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Last Man Off

Matt Lewis: Corporate Speaker

Matt is an accomplished speaker, and his story is unforgettable. The sinking of the Sudur Havid illustrates a number of business issues in a superb, if sinistre manner.


The reviewer from The Sunday Times noted that "Harvard MBAs could ... scour the pages as a case-study in dysfunctional workplaces and woeful man-management."


Matt's talk memorably illustrates the consequences of appalling communication, unclear command structure and dismal planning.


The officers in command on the bridge had each been at sea for decades, yet they failed to heed countless warning signs and pleas for help from their crew. This tragic event highlights the consequences of a poor safety culture, communication, confused command structure, lack of planning, and lack of training.


Some feedback from a recent book club event:

"Matt Lewis is a brilliant communicator and can engage with a wide range of audiences in an inspiring and captivating way.  Personable and knowledgeable, for many years audiences at our public science events have queued patiently for over an hour to hear him – many specifically returning year after year to do so.  His story ‘Last man off’ is unique – Matt draws conclusions from this tale in an entertaining and motivational way, a man of many talents.  I would highly recommend him as a speaker."

Dr. Liz Robertson

There are some things you learn best in calm

And some in storm


Willa Cather

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